I have also observed similar behavior in my friends, so I would say it's a human habit. Why can we never be happy? (if anybody leaves me a comment now about how happy and dandy they are with their lives, I'm gonna have a fit.) Nah, but seriously.... I mean, I am grateful for my life and my family and all the things I have but the moments of true happiness are very short-lived. Most often they include my children (when they are not whining and screaming for no good reason ;) or when I am in nature.
Maybe I can't think straight at the moment (in a work-haze), and that's why I feel like there is no light.
My job, you won't believe it, has gotten worse. Now my boss is critizing my work, which makes it really official now: EVERYBODY hates the project manager.
I have never ever woken up in the morning and didn't want to go to work. I have never felt uncomfortable or unhappy going to work. Understimulated, maybe ...but never unhappy...(yes, I am aware of the fact that I just told you that I am never happy. geez...do you have to take everything so literal? ;)
Anyway, so I have never been depressed about going to work and I certainly never ever have cried because of the pressure of my job. Granted, I have a lot to carry right now (lone breadwinner, etc.) and I am possibly PMSing...but today was the second time I had to retreat into the bathroom to cry because I couldn't take it anymore.
I am such a whiner I am annoying myself.
Lemme go.
I'll be back when I have better stuff to blog.

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