Friday, April 14, 2006

quick quick - austria arrival

so much to tell but so little time. In the meantime, I am using my e-mail correspondence to capture some of the events. More to come.
beth writes:
Hi....just a quick note to say I Hope the trip was safe & uneventful!!!!
......I started crying when I got home and started doing a 'pick-up' of the toy scatter left by Sunday mornings activities!!!!!!.....I will miss my girls (& their parents too!)
.....get me your mailing address ASAP.
...Nayla's birthday is in less than 2 weeks!!! hardly seems like 2 years since I carried her out of the hospital on her way home for the first time!!!!
....will call Rosa tomorrow to see where she needs help getting your apt. into shape.....
Love always
B (& Howie too!)
sisi writes:
I cried, too ... a couple of times. ; (Then the eventfulness of the trip set in. Forgot diapers for Nayla, then 2 hours waiting in the plane (some missing screw somewhere), then waiting in Zurich cause the plane tunnel thingy didn`t work...then Nayla fell in that plane tunnel thingy and bled from her nose for like a half an hour, then 2 hours at the Zurich airport trying to maneuver 8 bags, 3 backpacks, 2 kids and a stroller from the terminal to the car and most importantly INTO the car. We should have taken a picture of us and the bags squeezed on and into that vehicle. I still can`t believe it. Then we had to drive an hour and a half to our new place, drag all the bags up a long set of stairs, then drive to Bludenz (another hour) to fulfill lunch (at that point dinner) date. I think I was falling asleep talking and finally went to sleep around 8.30pm on Monday.`s 2am now and I gotta get up at 7am to continue the 18.000 chores I have to do before work starts on Monday. ;)

Rosa could definitely use some help. I feel bad having left her with so much shit to do. THANK YOU ONCE AGAIN FOR BEING SUCH AN INCREDIBLE FRIEND!!
I love you and I miss you already! xoxoxo
PS: xox also to Howie.

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