Hi Beth!
thank you for your e-mail and the great webcam pics of you and H. Nayla and I enjoyed them very much!!! Still have to show them to D and Maia.
I miss you. Work has been crazy stressful and I could really need some advice right about now on how to deal with mobbing at the office..or how to deal with people, period.
Today, after reflecting on the fact that my job is emotionally draining (I might like to organize, create solutions, etc. but to deal with the constant intrigue, accusations, and conflict just isn't for me. me, who always wants to be liked by everyone ;) - I am about to qualify this character-trait as a weakness. ...anyway, ...so where was I?
... reflecting about the new job, the fact that I just got kicked out of our apartment - long story - (don't even want to think about all the work and expenses that entails), the problem with our non-paying tenants in NY, and the fact that it it has been raining the whole month of August here. Today it is as cold as New York in December. It even snowed on the mountain peaks here... it is Auuuugust, dammit!!!

For a moment there I was thinking of throwing in the towel and just coming home (note how I refer to NY as home..hmmm..). But the thought of all the wasted time and money is killing me. It took a LOT of phonecalls, errand-runnings, form-filling, furniture carrying, and money-spending to get to where we are now. Maia finally is able to communicate with the kids in her kindergarten. She instantly translates full sentences from English into German. It's amazing.
Also, I have been reading my blog entries from back home (again, NY)...and I am worried that NYC will destroy my marriage. People have too much attitude and you never hear the calming/reasoning feedback you need to hear when you are about to wring your partner's neck. ;) I need to bitch and friend X needs to say, "yes but think about this...." instead of "that bastard, you should leave him. forget the marriage and the kids" ;)
I am having a little trouble lately, again. so it's not all rosy here, either. but that's life and that's marriage,...I suppose. gotta remain realistic and focus on the positive.
almost quit my job today... ;)
so out of answers. so lost at the moment. too much resposibility ALL on me... the pressure is a killer.
talk soon,
PS: THANK YOU, for your package by the way! Maia and Nayla were soo excited about it and we started to do the US-map-sticker-game right away. (I never knew the capital of Florida is Talahassee. ...and, to my great embarrassment, I must admit, thought Disneyworld is in California. ;) ... (I guess, I was thinking about U.Studios).
beth replies:
.....you sound like you really have your hands full!!!......
.....as far as NYC= LET ME HELP YOU....can I help file papers,(where's P?) put pressure on someone?.....sometimes people think if you are far away that they can step over....
above all H & I are your 'friends' (more like family) and we love you guys....so if we can do ANYTHING, don't hesitate....my stuff w/my Mother is ongoing and I've been at it for a while so I can manage time for YOU!
THERE IS ALWAYS A REASON for things to happen:
1.) YOUR MOVE was (at least, I realized this) was in part to 'save' you relationship because you knew it IS that IMPORTANT.
2.) YOUR GIRLS will be fine w/the change...BOTH are smart/beautiful and love to learn and exposure to a lifestyle where they can really just 'BE' & to GROW through their own strengths & talents is FAR better than the OVERSTRUCTURED lives too many of USA children are having now....
3) the JOB = no job (& co-workers) is perfect....you said you were allowed to at least "think" w/this job?
remember you have great skills and from what you told me Austria's 'support' sytem was great (compared to USA)
.....there's no law that says you can't 'scout' for another job now that you are in Austria...
YOU are wonderful for your capacity to cover all the details / be responsible to a 'fault'/ remember all the people in your life and always look out for them....this is a great thing, and MOST PEOPLE DON'T have these qualities.....@ work there are only 'intrigues' IF you LET THEM BE SO.....give a 'deaf ear' to office gossip!
try not to give things that really aren't important (they only seem so at the time) IMPORTANCE!
REMEMBER how you wondered how I could deal w/certain things @ situation at my job?.....well I basically told myself "since I am NOT getting taken at dawn to be put in front of a cannon to be shot = I am 'me' and I can deal w/ what comes next"......& ask yourself the question "is this really important to me & my family?"
4.)...good grief!...move to another apartment? more than a pain in the ass! BUT this is NOW,.. soooooo go forward....
(I presume you will be able to find one close by?)
....YOU let Dario handle this!!! TELL HIM it's all on him to handle the move (and S. please DO let him handle it=all men need to find responsibility, (even if some mistakes are made) it's hard when they are married to STRONG WOMEN!)
...as long as your kids aren't sleeping in the street = I am sure he can handle this!!! (tell him I said SO!)
....& when you are 85 (...or MY AGE) you will look back and can proudly say "I SURVIVED THIS TOO!"
WHEN CAN WE TALK??????? I will try you again TODAY @ 4:00PM (NYC) = 10:00PM (AUST)
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.
Douglas Adams
How odd that you meter your blog site? Looks like you are getting loads of hits though.
why is that odd? I really want to know if those seven people reading my blog are coming back every week. ;) not that I know who they are, really...all I know is that most of them are from New York and they are increasingly using Windows XP.
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