I had one dream yesterday in which I found myself in yet another very narrow underground labyrinth but this time I had entered these canalization-like tunnels navigating two ships. Don't ask me how I navigated two ships, ask me which ships.
I dreamt I was trying to get through (to the free beautiful ocean?) with the two main ships of the Austrian side of the lake of Constance (very nearby). Their names are "Vorarlberg" and "Austria". Talk about symbolism. ;)
Anyway, I got stuck. Hopelessly stuck. There was no way for me to get through. So I had to return to the dark city that lay behind me. Dark because night had fallen (can u say that in English?), and dark because no matter where I turned, I saw people doing wrong or having wrong being done to them. I wasn't afraid just worried about everyone. Worried about their paths, their situation, everything.
Somebody got shot next to me, I ran to their help annoyed with this senseless violence. I called the police. And from then on it was just me walking through this devastated place trying to rescue people.

My dream of today was a litte more self-involved. I dreamt I was back in NYC...somewhere by the Flatiron building. I wasn't too excited to be back,...all I noticed was how little nature there was and how much it was missing.
Then I looked down and I had a notebook in my hand. I mean a minilaptop of some sort and it started playing a movie. It was like a student-movie, really cool, and I realized that I had made this thing a long time ago. I watched the whole thing and thought,...wow this is good. I made a movie and it doesn't suck...I could actually submit this to a film-school and maybe get in!
I cannot tell you the disappointment when I woke up shortly after only to find out I had not made any such movie and that all my creative endeavors where still just loose matter in my head somewhere, and saddest of all, ..no ..I won't be back in the film-business. ;)
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