Friday, September 16, 2005

The 7-year Itch

Well, it's more like the 10 year itch...but it's been really itching since the, I'm sticking to the proverb (...ehm, it's not a proverb it's an "expression", Sisi). Oh, great, now I am talking to myself. I REALLY need to get a life.

Yesterday, I couldn't find anyone to go to the movies with me, so I just went by myself. Back in Austria this wouldn't have been a big deal and in no way indicative of anything wrong with my social life but in America going to the movies by yourself is a big stigma. And, since I am not totally immune to the stares of others, I usually refrain from such activities.
Yesterday, however, I didn't give a sh*t anymore. I wanted to hit the movies, there was nobody available, so I went alone. I could have probably gotten my downtown or Queens friends to go but I was entirely too lazy to play the chauffeur, so I just went to a mall 10 minutes up the highway. Besides, nobody would have gone with me to see "The Upperclassman" anyway. This is more of a teenie movie, which I enjoyed very much, regardless. I just ignored the thin plot and focused on the funny kid. ;)
I had a good time.
Then, I raced with some people on the highway. I lost. Well, and my minivan lost. Also, I'm not taking it to death-wish speeds and maneuvers. I'm just too old for that.... and I have children.

After I got home (around midnight), I took the dog out for a walk. Inspired by the rap from D's little i-pod, I walked a little further than usual. I ended up having to cut through a big playground. A group of youngsters were hanging out for a late basketball game, so I just stopped and asked them if I could use their extra ball for a couple of minutes. They were surprised by my appearance but nice enough to let me have the second ball. I tied up the dog, and started shooting hoops on the neighboring (dark) court.
hold is ringing.
hmm, somebody just called me singing me a love song ;)
it was too funny. I kept on telling him he's got the wrong number but he was sure
he: "no,'s me, Chris. you'll remember me. just hold on. ...let me sing to you...then you'll remember,"
me:"the last time someone sung to me is ten years ago, but now I'm curious what you're gonna go ahead."
he actually sounded really nice. so nice, he could be doing this for a living. seriously. he sung something by Joe (R&B). when he finished I said: "well, Chris....this was very nice and whoever you're trying to reach is going to be very flattered."
- "thank you," he said," and you, are you taken?"
- "yes," I said thinking "MEN!!" and then saying, "and you should keep focused. who are you trying to reach?"
- "crystal."
-"well, go call crystal. she's gonna be happy to hear you sing."
-"talk to you later", I said thinking "or actually not."

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