Tuesday, July 11, 2006

maybe not that happy after all? or maybe just a bit schizo.

unless you can break down crying for no reason when you should be "happy" (or thought you were) then I might be not so happy, after all. I guess it is the fact that I am close to a burn-out. My job is demanding to no end, I have lots of responsibilities but no power, and to top it all off I feel like I am always one fighting against the masses. Everybody seems to hate, blame, and criticize the projectmanager...or do I have to say ME, the projectmanager. sigh.
I am now racing between two company locations and my work-load has doubled. Of course, at home I still have to do a juicy part of the workload (kids and household stuff), so I think, I will soon have reached the point where I would like to bungeejump off a bridge.

Fact is that no matter how happy I am to be out of the big city, I miss my friends in New York badly. I mean, I have good friends here but they are just not as accessible as, for example, my friend Rosa who lived upstairs from me, or my friend Marta who sat in the office next-door to me. I underestimated how valuable such daily venting about little crap can be.
I just don't have this now and the added stress of being the sole provider of our existence isn't making this any easier.

so, and now I have to get back to work. another set of over-time.
and tomorrow I am supposed to be at work at 7:30 ..HA HA!

if you now read the next (i.e. previous post) you'll think I'm schizo. and if you know my blog then you probably have been thinking that for a while now. ;)

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