Friday, July 28, 2006

my - bookmarks so far

I guess, they are arranged by date added? ...
anyway, I have been hesitant about and it took me a while to get myself to actually use it but now I am hooked!

so, here my delicious bookmarks so far:

new york blog
fun celebrity news
IconExperience - professional icons
icons clipart windows style
NPR : Public Radio Programs
npr - all shows
NinaWills on 43 Things
43 things, live without regrets, etc.
Odeo Studio
record your own stuff online
Pandora Internet Radio - Find New Music, Listen to Free Web Radio
an online radio-system that learns the kind of music you like (enter the song or artist you like and the pandora will start playing stuff it thinks you might like, too). then you can micromanage, if you want..and give each song that plays a thumbs up or d
PayScale - Salary Survey, Salaries, Wages, Compensation Information and Analysis
compare your salary
Pixelgirl Presents Free Icons, Desktops and Gallery Shop!
free icons presents:
create your own southpark character
Prozentrechnung Rechner Berechnung - Prozent berechnen - Prozent-Rechner Prozente Online Beispiel - sengpielaudio
prozent berechnen
Revised Design for 9/11 Memorial Saves Many Features and Lowers Cost - New York Times
comment to Lower Manhattan Development Corporation -only open for public comments for one week (starting June20)
Schicken Sie Blumen mit EuroFlorist - Sträuße, Blumen, Topfpflanzen, Trauerschmuck und Gebinde.
1800 flowers a la Austria
Scientific American: The Expert Mind
interesting article on expertise (by taking chess-masters as an example). ... complicated description... good article
Search 50 Stock Photography, Stock Photos, and Footage Vendors, as well as Royalty Free Clip Art, Illustrations, and Clipart Images
good clipart, good photostock, quality agency links, lots of royalty free stuff, too
Six Apart
awardwinning blogging tools for everyone
Sneek a peek at the Beardshalls
mama blog, twins, usa blog
WEB2.0 Application index
all the web2.0 apps u can think of (categorized)
WNYC - The Brian Lehrer Show
brian lehrer show - link to npr
WidSets Beta
rss feeds for ur mobile
Wohnzimmer Records - Artists
cool music - The Universal Currency Converter ®
currency converter - Your Edge in Real Estate
estimate the value of your home (apparently accurate within 10% of the real selling price)
insignificant thoughts
another bronx blogger
surf the net with your friends (as little virtually-walking characters)
leonard lopate show
npr - ny public radio - web 2.0 javascript
ajax scripts of all kinds
sitemap of web 2.0 applications
all there is to web 2.0, sites that let your heart beat faster
webcam times square
times square webcams
webcams worldwide (nyc)
nyc webcams
zulugrid: False Identity Generator
for all those forms online you don't really want to fill (with your own info)

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